Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's also enough to pique interest in luxury goods this holiday season

Just in time for the holidays, it looks like the luxury consumer is back.

“We’ve been hearing that luxury goods sales globally, have been accelerating, and it’s in all categories, whether it is watches and jewelry or whether it is fashion and leather goods," said Dana Telsey, chief information officer at Telsey Advisory Group, in an interview on CNBC. "The demand is there.”

As the year has progressed, a trend emerged where higher-income shoppers came back to the stores to buy—and the trend has continued as long as the stock market is heading higher.

Just to be clear, this isn't the heady, spend-with-abandon-type buying we saw before the recession, but it is enough of an uptick to make a significant difference, and allow luxury retailers to see a jump in sales.

It's also enough to pique interest in luxury goods this holiday season.

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