Friday, October 8, 2010

most women are aiming for when they make at Victoria's Secret

Everyone knows what most women are aiming for when they make a purchase at Victoria's Secret: They want to be sexy.

But a new study says they might not have to wait until they get home to feel that way. For some, it's all about the bag.

A University of Minnesota study, due out in December, finds that for some women, just carrying a Victoria's Secret replica hermes bag can affect the way they perceive themselves and their personal qualities.

"These people carried the bag for an hour and as a result felt more glamorous, more sexy and more feminine. They didn't even use or wear any of the products," said marketing professor Deborah Roedder John, who conducted the study with Ji Kyung Park.

John said the study underscores that some women can be very affected by brands in a way that has nothing to do with the product.

"A brand like Victoria's Secret, people think of that as being very sexy and glamorous and feminine," she said. "We were interested in finding out, if you use that brand, will you start to believe that you are more glamorous, sexy feminine?"

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